Primobolan Enanthate 150mg


Also popularly known as Methenolone, Primobolan is an oral/injectable anabolic steroid that is used by bodybuilders to encourage increased lean muscle mass; prevent muscle wastage and enhance physical performance and strength.


In fact, thanks to its long acting and mild anabolic effects – plus its low androgenic properties – it is considered one of the safest anabolic steroids around, as it can confidently be used by both men AND women without fear of liver toxicity or aromatizationOne of the many reasons Primobolan (Primobolan depot especially) is used by athletes and bodybuilders is because:


As this DHT based anabolic steroid is not 17-alpha-alkylated but 1-methylated (for oral bioavailability), it can be used between cycles – during ‘off time’ – to help maintain muscle mass and strength gains. In fact, it is perfect for cutting cycles as it can prevent muscle wastage and instead help you to maintain all of the muscle you gained bulking, whilst allowing you to benefit from a calorie deficient diet. With a well-planned diet, Primobolan can produce good conditioning effects, which will leave you looking harder, more defined and chiselled.

Its potency is only slightly lower than Deca Durabolin.

It causes less inhibition than testosterone or Deca Durabolin (in terms of anabolic effects) because of its lack of conversion into DHT; low central nervous system activity, and reduced risk of aromatization (which can lead to man boobs – no thanks).

It is a mild anabolic steroid, meaning even if you took a high Primobolan dosage, it won’t convert into estrogen or trigger breast enlargement (and we’re not talking about the ladies – we mean breast development in men! Thanks, but no thanks).

Improves active and total testosterone by promoting sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and luteinizing hormone (LH).

It produces little to no side effects compared to other top anabolic steroids which commonly cause liver toxicity and damage; enlarged breasts, shrunken testicles or a higher voice; mood swings/roid rage. Instead, with PCT and careful dosages you can avoid all of these.

Its performance enhancing effects can last for months – yep, your hard work won’t disappear in a cloud of smoke. Instead, Primobolan will protect your lean muscle tissues from wastage; will encourage increased fat burn, and will help you to maintain your muscle gains long after you stop.

Its strength building capabilities – Primobolan can help you to improve your strength without adding too much muscle mass, which is handy for athletes who aren’t bodybuilders.

It encourages improved muscle recovery and endurance.

It is a good fat burner as it helps to raise your metabolic rate.


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